Senior Pastor George Karabassis
Pastor George and Ireen Karabassis have been married for over 28 years. They were both wonderfully saved in the Chiwempala church. They were discipled, trained for ministry, and sent out from The Potter's House in Chiwempala, Chingola. In 2003 they pioneered a work in Nchanga North, Chingola. They later took over the leadership church in Chiwempala where they faithfully served for 11 years. During their 11 years there, they saw many wonderful conversions and miracles. God helped them to raise up disciples and plant churches. In August 2016 they assumed their new role as assistant pastors in the Libala church and took over as senior pastors in 2019 and have pastored the Potter's House Libala since then.
Email: gkkarabassis@yahoo.com
Cell: +260-979-761-135

Assistant Pastor Simon kakumbi
Pastor Simon & Likezo Kakumbi have been married for over 12 years. They both experienced life-changing conversions and felt the call to preach. They were married, discipled, trained for the ministry, and sent out of The Potter's House, Libala to take over the church in Matero where they labored for 9 years. While Pastoring there, they were blessed with many conversions and miracles. They raised disciples and made impact in their community. They assumed their new role as Assistant Pastors in the Libala church in 2019 helping in Administration, Pastoral care and counselling, as well as preaching, teaching, and ministering to the entire congregation.
Email: kakumbisimon@yahoo.co.uk
Cell: +260-977-696-950

Outreach Director Charles Kakoma
Charles and Sandra are in charge of all aspects of our local Potter's House outreach ministries, including our concert ministry club One80º, Crossfire youth, and our regular Saturday afternoon outreaches, as well as overseeing all special outreach and evangelistic events.
Email: Charleschanda426@gmail.com
Cell: +260-976-212-770

Maintenance and Equipment Supervisor Kennedy Kakumbi
Kennedy and Exhilda Kakumbi. Kennedy is our Maintenance and Equipment Supervisor
Email: kennex2014@gmail.com
Cell: +260-950-261-477